What Your Organisation Needs to Know About VPS
As a business owner, you’ve probably heard of this term, but do you actually know
much about it? The truth is that VPS hosting is perfect for small to medium sized companies
as they receive access to hardware and services usually only accessible to companies with
large IT infrastructure. Read on to discover more about this topic!

What actually is a VPS?
Firstly, it might be worth us establishing a definition. A VPS, short for a virtual private
server, operates by generating a space on an existing server via virtualisation. It offers several
benefits, including the fact that you can access your own personal computing resources,
which you can freely access without purchasing and maintaining a physical server. The
appealing thing is that you only have to pay for the resources you actually utilise, which can
cut down on high costs in the long run.
A hosting provider is able to host various virtual private servers on one server
simultaneously. The hosting is divided between unmanaged and managed hosting. With
managed hosting, IT experts maintain, monitor, and update your personal hosting through
data backups and security updates.
Despite this, self-managed VPS hosting varies. With this method, you are personally
responsible for overseeing everything, which – as you’re probably aware – requires a high
standard of experience in everything that screams technical expertise! However, if you have
the right amount of knowledge to tackle this, self-managed VPS hosting can be incredibly
customisable and rewarding. You can share hardware with the other users out there, but
you’ll also have your personal operating system as well as total control of your server’s

The main attraction
One of VPS hosting’s primary benefits is that it is flexible and cost effective. You are able to
install the operating system of your choice because your personal server space is isolated.
You can then scale up and down when you need to, which can be a massive benefit if you’re
required to adapt rapidly to increased user or data volumes. Additionally, your virtual private
server space can be fully managed so there is no maintenance for you to do.

Spindle or solid-state disk
It can be challenging to pick a VPS hosting service because there are a few options out there.
For example, you can store your data on various types of disks. Let’s take a look at what each
service offers.
Many providers use spindle hard disk drives due to their low cost and capacity.
However, many hosts now utilise solid-state disks as they can handle a considerable amount
of simultaneous input and output operations. They are also more reliable than spindles due to
no moving parts.

Dedicated servers
Companies looking for more power and control may need a service provider who offers
dedicated hosting. With dedicated hosting, a client rents a physical server from the hosting
provider, and has exclusive use of that server’s resources. The provider works with the client
to give them the CPU, RAM, and disk space that they need. The provider builds and
maintains the server, eliminating the business’ upfront cost of purchasing their own

Rounding up: is a virtual private server really for you?
As you may be able to tell, having a VPS can provide numerous benefits. It can offer you
scalable resources to give your business the flexibility it needs to grow into the future, for a
relatively low price.
Now you know that virtual private servers can offer you a lot of indispensable features that
will happily accommodate your businesses growth and all for less than the cost of dedicated
hosting. They are the perfect compromise and are more of an investment than an expense.
After all, your data and applications are the heart of your business.

Discover if moving to a VPS is the right solution: